How to Take a Guilt-Free Summer Vacation
Does the thought of taking a vacation come with pangs of fear or guilt for you?
Unplugging without guilt or fear can be easier said than done. The legal profession has made overwork a badge of honor, when in reality, we NEED time off to recharge and to be our best selves.
For lawyers and other professionals, taking multiple days off requires intentional advance planning.
Here’s some tips on how to take that guilt-free summer vacation:
1. Give Clients and Colleagues Advance Notice.
For clients, send a planning email 2-4 weeks before your vacation to let them know when you will be out of office, and who to contact during your absence.
For colleagues, give as much advance notice as possible. Mark it on your firm’s calendar or scheduler and remind them as the vacation approaches.
2. Maintain Boundaries.
Set up an out of office email to direct contacts elsewhere during your vacation.
Avoid texting with clients and colleagues - direct them back to your email so they will receive your out of office response.
Resist the urge to substantively respond to emails during your time off.
3. Allow Yourself Grace and Customize Your Approach.
Vacation doesn’t require a one-size-fits-all approach. If you want to do an hour of work each morning to feel less stressed upon your return, do it. Everyone takes breaks differently, so do what works best for you.
Happy Summer ☀️