About Katie Lipp - Founder of Law Practice Queen

In 2018, after practicing law for 8 years and making partner, I was burned out from traditional law practice.

In 2019, after soul searching, multiple interviews with other law firms, therapy, and mindset coaching, I launched my own law firm, The Lipp Law Firm, PC.

To my surprise, it was much easier running my own firm, and allowed me to have greater flexibility, work-life balance, and create a firm where I would represent clients I loved.

After I started my firm, I was compelled to mentor other lawyers and business owners on entrepreneurship, networking, and having business that is sustainable and fits THEIR needs.

So Law Practice Queen was born, and I started coaching and mentoring other lawyers and entrepreneurs.

I run my law firm, Lipp Law, an employment and business law firm with offices in Fairfax and Reston, Virginia, and Washington, DC, and Law Practice Queen.

Interested in connecting? Check out my monthly newsletter for tips on how to start + scale a business, networking, building a sustainable business, and getting clients, and follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, + Instagram.

Interested in my offerings?

Private Support: I provide 1:1 business development mentoring for entrepreneurs + lawyers.

I combine traditional, data-tested business principles with modern, creative strategies.

I am an entrepreneur at heart, and many of my clients decide to work with me because my approaches are unique and I think outside the box.

The feedback I get from my clients is that I am very positive and make growing a business fun. Many clients that come to me have been burned by other marketing companies that do not deliver promised results. Because I grew my two businesses from scratch, I know what works, what doesn't, and the time constraints we have as business owners. I understand exactly what you are going through and can work with you on a curated program to grow your business.

You will receive coaching, accountability, and encouragement, along with mentoring where I give you advice that is tailored to your business goals and needs.

To see if we are a good fit to work together, click the link below.

Schedule Your Complimentary Mentoring Consultation Here.

Networking For Female Lawyers: I run quarterly networking sessions for female lawyers. Sign up for the next one here.

Mind Blowing Money Course for Female Lawyers: I teach a money course for female lawyers, you can sign up for the waitlist here. I will let you know when enrollment is open again, likely in 2024.

Katie Lipp is a mid-30s white woman sitting at a brown conference room table in a modern office. She has her silver Microsoft Surface Pro in front of her, and she's wearing a blue business dress with a black blazer. Behind her are glass doors.

Photography by Jamie Sutera Photography

What is My Why?

I encountered a lot of self doubt when I started my law firm. I had many self-limiting beliefs that I needed to overcome - I thought I wasn’t smart enough to run a law firm, and I used mindset coaching to change these false beliefs.

Once I started my firm, I was shocked at how much easier it was for me to have my own systems than to work within someone else’s system.

I wanted to share my experience as a law firm owner with other lawyers and law firm owners who might be burned out, looking to learn the ropes of law firm ownership, or who want guidance on how to build a book of business. One of my passions is to support female entrepreneurship in the legal industry.

What Does Law Practice Queen Do?

Law Practice Queen is a mentoring and coaching brand, supporting lawyers and business owners on how to start or scale a law firm or business, or how to create a book of business within a law firm.

More Ways to Work with Me:

1.  Employment + Business Law Support

My law firm, Lipp Law, provides labor/employment, corporate, IP/trademark, and business litigation support throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia. Contact my firm here if you are interested in legal support, or share my details with a potential client that needs legal advice.

2. Learn Through My Writing

Build Your Empire is my survival guide to the legal industry. Read this book to prepare yourself to build a book of business, start law school or enter the legal field, or start your own law firm.

Mini-Guide to Starting Your Law Firm provides you with the “skeleton” of what I used to start my law practice.  This is the “nuts and bolts” high-level visual that will help you put your law firm systems into motion.

Connect on LinkedIn and click my bell profile icon to be notified of all my new posts. By following me on LinkedIn, you will get a regular dose of inspiration focused on business development, mental health, employment law, and female leadership.

3. LinkedIn Groups for Women in Law

I have two LinkedIn groups for practicing female lawyers and law students.

Please check them out here:

Law Practice Queen Rockstars Networking Group

Law Practice Queen Jobs Group (United States and Canada)


Why Hire a Mentor?

Here are some benefits that can be accomplished through legal mentoring and coaching:

  • Create faster results in your business

  • Get from point A to point B quicker, with less stress and headaches

  • Learn lessons and avoid mistakes from someone who has already been there, done that

  • Get step by step assistance when you get stuck

  • Talk problems and issues through with an experienced third-party and get out of your head

  • Accountability to accomplish your goals and stay on track

Once you INVEST IN YOURSELF, you will start to see results.

You’re so ready for this.