Job Searching 101 - Don't Make This Mistake

⚖️I've been working to fill an open role at my law firm.

💻This means I've been doing a lot of interviews.

🦕And over my 13 years as a lawyer, I've seen a LOT of cover letters (are those still a thing?).

❌Don't make this one mistake, please, it's SO EASY TO AVOID.

🙅🏻‍♀️Don't say you want to work for a job solely because of the benefits it gives to YOU.

Make your "interest" based on the employer. Here's an example:

Once, an applicant said they wanted to work at my firm because it was 5 minutes from their apartment.

🙃That's it. That's the only reason they gave.

❄️Employers want to feel special, too.

So even if it means saying a white lie, it's better to make something up than give an answer like that.

⚖️Something like - I've always been interested in employment law. I see that you handle a lot of employment cases. That sounds super interesting.

🤪Basic, yes, but MUCH BETTER than hey, you are 5 minutes from me, which makes you sound lazy as hell.

❓What other interview or cover letter blunders have you seen?

For more legal industry tips, check out my book, Build Your Empire.


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