Working Toward Incremental Change
When I was an employee at a law firm (first as a paralegal, then as a law clerk intern, and then as a lawyer), I would dread Mondays. I thought that once I started being my own boss, and owning my own firm, I could have full control of my schedule, and that nagging feeling would go away.
Unfortunately for me, it didn’t go away. It’s gotten better, but I still get anxious or get the “Sunday scaries.”
I’m a mom, and much of my weekends are spent caring for my child, my dog, or nurturing my relationships (marriage, friends), and I’ve had to learn to carve out time for myself.
The point of this post is to let you know:
➡It’s okay if your job sucks.
➡It’s okay if you get the Sunday scaries.
Work isn’t always meant to be a walk in the park.
That’s why it’s called work.
Most people don’t reach a point where they LOVE what they do. That doesn’t mean we can’t keep trying. I’m not saying don’t try to get yourself in a better work situation. But our work environment isn’t always the only reason we are feeling a certain type of way.
Try working toward incremental change, which is what helped me, and perhaps it might help you too.
Can you take 10 minutes and sit in the sunshine on your lunch break?
Can you play a game for 10 minutes when you get home instead of jumping right into chores?
Life passes by fast, friends.
Let’s see if we can take the pressure off, just for a few minutes today.