Living Unapologetically

As a female professional, you always feel like you have to people please to focus on your work.

This is the way that society trains females.

To tread lightly.
To straddle the fence.
To not ruffle any feathers.

I was told that I worked too much.
I shouldn’t be working late.
I needed a hobby.

But what if I wanted to throw myself into my work?
It’s not as accepted for women as it is for men.
We are sometimes perceived as the weaker sex.

People want us to rest.
But we have so much to give. And we won't break. Promise.

I’m not saying lean in until you burn out. But always chart your own course. One that you write for yourself. Or else someone will write it for you.

Don’t people please.
Don’t stop until you’ve accomplished what you need to do.
Make your mark.

All my best,


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