The One Mistake to Avoid with Social Media Marketing

There are so many platforms to choose from: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Clubhouse, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube…it can be overwhelming.

Figure out where your ideal client hangs out. For me as an employment + business attorney and advisor to female attorneys, my clients are typically on LinkedIn or Instagram. They are also on FB, but I hate using FB 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I outsource my post activity there (I still write all my content).

The mistake that we can make with social media is spreading ourselves too thin, and not being consistent on one platform.

I was told to be on Pinterest by some people I trusted, but I just couldn’t get into it. I created a profile, but I wasn’t feeling it. Maybe sometime in the future I’ll come back to it (or ideally, pay for help to manage the platform).

But for the time being, I shut down my #lawpracticequeen page on Pinterest so I can go all in on LinkedIn + Instagram.

I hope this helps you focus your time. It’s limited, especially if you are an entrepreneur, student, working parent, or working professional trying to do #allthethings.

All my support,



Women Who Wow: Katie Lipp


Living Unapologetically