Are You Trusting Your Gut with Potential Clients That Aren’t a Good Fit?

When we talk about business growth, we often talk about how to get new clients.

While getting new clients is one possible way to grow your business, an overlooked way to grow your business is to turn down clients that are not a good fit for you.

Ian Altman, a business growth keynote speaker and author, compares your business to a puzzle piece. The right client’s puzzle will allow your puzzle piece to step in and solve their problem in a seamless way.

But the wrong client?

They can drain you of your resources and stretch you to “fit” your services in a way that won’t create the best possible result for the client.

It's not the client's fault - but it might be ours for taking on a client that's not a good fit.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take on new practice areas for your business or expand into new markets. These are all fair game in business.

But if a potential client comes along with red flags, make sure you pay attention to them, and trust your gut.

Even if you can’t put your finger on the “why” a potential client is not a good fit for you, trust that feeling, and consider referring the potential client elsewhere.

Addition by subtraction can be a powerful business force for you.

Need more support on business growth? Check out my new book, Build Your Empire, with an entire chapter dedicated to business development, available now on Amazon.


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