Lawyering is Customer Service

A thing that surprised me the most working as a lawyer was that for some of my colleagues, being a lawyer was their first job. Ever. They never worked for an employer before coming to law school.

Working normal jobs gives you excellent preparation for being a lawyer.

The restaurant hostess job where I had to "manage deadlines" - estimate wait times, and ensure everything ran smoothly.

The lifeguard job where I took out the trash.

The administrative assistant job where I answered the phones and screened potential clients for my employer.

The beverage cart job at the golf course where I was flicked off, cursed at, and hit on. Still not as bad as working for lawyers. ๐Ÿ˜…

Customer service is not for the faint of heart.

When you first start as a lawyer, your "customer" is really your supervisor. Focus on helping them out, and eventually you will ascend to helping clients.


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