5 Tips to Help Manage Anxiety

1. Prioritize Sleep.
Sleep is a magical process whereby your brain cleans itself of toxins. Notice the differences in your mood when you are sleep deprived vs. a full night’s rest. Make sleep a number one priority.

2. Stop Future Tripping.
Anxiety is being in an abnormal state of fear based on what could happen in the future. Instead of staying stuck in the future, practice grounding yourself in the present.

3. Disassociate Yourself from Your Inner Monologue.
If you have an inner monologue (not all of us do), know that is not YOU and you can train yourself to “watch” your thoughts. This is your ego trying to protect you, and it will drive you crazy if you let it.

4. Daily 30 Minute Gentle Exercise.
Anxiety is energy. It needs to be channeled elsewhere. Schedule in your calendar a 30-minute (or two 15-minute) blocks to do gentle exercise.

I say gentle because the focus here is not to get 8-minute abs or shred 15 pounds of fat. Take 30 minutes and do some stretches that make you feel good or check out some new workouts on Youtube.

5. Consult the Experts.
If you are having acute symptoms of serious anxiety (panic attacks, being in a near-constant state of fear), book a psychiatrist or therapist appointment. These professionals can drastically improve your day to day life.

This is an excerpt from my new book, Build Your Empire: A Law Firm Owner's Survival Guide to the Private Legal Industry. There's a full chapter on mental health, based on my personal experience in seeking help for anxiety + depression. Get your copy today on Amazon here.


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