The Watermelon Principle
Do you want to build a book of business? Try my Watermelon Principle.
Tonight my daughter and I made chocolate chip cookies.
We dutifully plopped 6 premade cookies on the pan, + tossed it in the oven. My daughter went off to watch her show (“Trash Truck” on Netflix), + I went into my office, intent on spending ONLY 10 MINUTES responding to comments + messages.
My daughter rushed into my office. “The cookies!”
Slightly late, we saved the cookies from a crispy death. They were not to my standards (a little too baked), but my daughter begged to deliver them to the neighbors.
We hopped to my neighbor’s house, who insisted on inviting us inside. After a chat, my neighbor exclaimed, “Oh! Do you like watermelon?” "Of course I do..."
My neighbor emerged with a huge watermelon, insisting we take would go bad we left our neighbor’s home, with a huge watermelon half, after only bringing what I thought were burned cookies (store bought dough, at that!)
The Watermelon Principle is this:
🍉 Give without the expectation of a return. Relish the joy of giving as a means to an end, in and of itself. Giving is one of the best mood lifters.
🍉 When you freely give to others, they will want to do the same in return.
🍉 This is how we live. We give without expectation, and leave the world a better place for it.
This is an excerpt from my new book, Build Your Empire, a Law Firm Owner's Survival Guide to the Private Legal Industry. Get your copy here.