Why Cold-Emailing Employers is a Waste of Time

You don’t know someone.

You need a job.

It’s natural to reach out to an employer and see if you may be a good fit for their current, non-posted needs.

The problem with this approach:

The first interaction you have with them is by email, where you are asking them for something. It’s an immediate take. You aren’t demonstrating any value.

By emailing, you give the employer an easy out. They ignore you. They don’t know you, and they may not be hiring. They likely delete your email, and then you’ve wasted your time and their time.

Try instead to demonstrate value on the first interaction. Check out their social media content. Comment on their posts for a time (2-3 weeks), and add substantive, positive value.

Then, try to develop a relationship with them by direct messaging them, or try to connect with the employees at the company to see if anyone has a common school, interest, or connection with you.

Sliding your resume into a stranger’s inbox makes you an advertisement. Cold selling is a tough odds game to play.

Don’t be a pop-up ad.

Instead, aim to be a valuable piece of someone’s network. You will have better odds with this strategy.




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