What to Do if No One Responds to Your LinkedIn Posts
If no one is responding to your LinkedIn posts…what do you do?
Go through this #lawpracticequeen checklist:
Are you posting original content?
LinkedIn has elevated from a job searching and link sharing platform. Post your own original content with a goal of serving your ideal client.
Do you have an audience?
When you start out with LinkedIn, you should aim to get at least 500 connections. These connections do not have to be individuals you “know” personally, but it helps to have a common industry, profession, school, or connection. Consider adding a personalized connection message saying why you are connecting – but avoid the dreaded sales pitch.
Are you posting consistently?
Don’t get bogged down if one of your posts doesn’t gain traction with the algorithm. Remember, your business/career is not about you – it’s about the people you serve. Show up with a service mindset, share positive helpful information, and keep at it consistently.
What helps you get post engagement?
#socialmedia101 #howtolinkedin #servicematters