Gender Disadvantages in the Legal Profession
It gets old reading in the news that female attorneys make less money than male attorneys.
The news picks situations at dysfunctional law firms and spreads the narrative as gospel and clickbait.
It is critical to rise above these narratives and not accept them as absolute truths in your own life.
I once thought that because I was a female, I should not start my own law firm. That the task was better suited to a male attorney. This was my ego trying to “protect” me, but in reality, it was keeping me small.
I started challenging my ego, saying, “Why not me?”
You must challenge the negative voices.
You must run your own race.
You must focus on building your own self up, on your own two feet.
Look for role models doing what you strive to do and emulate them.
Never make excuses or buy blindly into the narrative that you are at a disadvantage.
Even when you lose hope, look for the positive lessons, the silver linings, and the allies. Trust me, they are there.
You have everything you need.
Don’t take any shit, and make your mark.
#lawpracticequeen #femaleempowerment #law #entrepreneurmindsets