Toxic Law Firm Culture
My Dad retired from his job back in 2010.
Let me tell you a story about a toxic situation I was in, but FIRST:
👑⚖️If you are a FEMALE LAWYER and want to network with other amazing, fun, and nice female lawyers, join my free LinkedIn networking group here:
Okay, back to the story ⬇️
The retirement ceremony was during lunch, and I was a new lawyer at a firm, giving me limited time off, and crushing billable hour requirements.
The retirement ceremony was a 45-minute drive from my work, meaning it would take me an hour and half round trip, plus the ceremony.
I don’t remember anything from the ceremony.
I do remember being terrified of taking time away from the office.
I checked the clock the whole time, and left early so I didn’t “miss too much work.”
When I got back to the office from the ceremony, my boss made a snarky comment to me.
They chided me for leaving in the middle of the day and how it "must be nice to party instead of work."
There were other times during my law firm career when I was:
❌ Told that holidays are for staff, not attorneys, and that I would be expected to work on all holidays
❌ Scolded for not showing up in person on a snow day (even though I worked remotely all day)
❌ Left with mounds of newly assigned, untouched work to come back to after my honeymoon
I was so miserable.
I even had suicidal thoughts leaving the office one day. It was such a toxic work environment.
In any job, look out for the red flags:
🚩 Not being permitted to unplug during vacation/holidays
🚩 Supervisors who yell at or demean employees
🚩 Employees that are scared to talk about the working environment for threat of retaliation
🚩 Employers that don’t make payroll on time
🚩 Employers that don’t fulfill their promises of bonuses, promotions, or benefits
⚖️I am always here to help. If you are in the DMV area (DC, Maryland, Virginia), and need support with your workplace situation - or with employment law compliance for your company - my firm can help. Head to my website and click "Contact Us."
I hope you never have to deal with a toxic workplace, but it can happen to the best of us.
You are not alone 💗