Run Your Race
The legal profession is filled with insecure people. Your job is to not take their behavior personally and run your own race.
Lawyers, you will be surrounded with colleagues that are trying to prove something.
That are willing to step on you and throw you under the bus to get to the next level.
Don’t allow yourself to get pulled into their black hole.
Your job is to know that no matter what, if you are clear about your mission, no person can prevent you from fulfilling it.
And the ones that are “against you” are a part of your journey too. Adversity builds power.
We can’t always go through life with a cheering crowd behind us.
You will face cruel, competitive, and miserable colleagues in the legal profession.
God willing, you will also have amazing, supportive, and inspiring colleagues. If you haven't found them yet, keep showing up on LinkedIn. There are so many of them here.
Your job is to find the inspiring and positive ones. Surround yourself with them. BE one of them.
Work on your mindset. Develop a mindset that the universe supports you – because it does. Trust me.
And the negative ones? Ignore them, and don’t let them get you down.
Cheers to the good ones.
And don’t let the bastards get you down.
You have a mission to accomplish.
👑 This is an excerpt from my book, Build Your Empire: A Law Firm Owner's Survival Guide to the Private Legal Industry. Want more? Get your copy now.