Networking Musts Part 4


😀When you are networking, you are creating business goodwill for yourself and your personal brand.
⬇️Here are musts to remember so that you can put your best foot forward and shine. 
4️⃣ This is part 4 of my networking series.
📈The benefits of networking are endless - think more clients, better business relationships, and higher revenue.
📩 SIGN UP - to learn my networking secrets, sign up for my Law Practice Queen newsletter so you can be the first to know my exclusive offers + tips on networking and business growth.

➡️When you are networking, place your focus on your networking partner, not yourself.

👩‍💻Every person in this world has this in common: we focus a lot of attention on ourselves.

🔎When you pay attention to your networking partner, actively listen, and focus on helping them, you can’t fail.

🪞If you spend the whole networking session talking about yourself, you will surely fail.

🤔You may think: how can I help them?

🧐But an interesting thing happens when you are networking.

👀Once you identify what your networking partner needs help with, you will keep your ears and your eyes open.

🙏Sooner or later, you may be able to help them with something.

🗣️When I’m networking, I am politely direct about helping my networking partner.

💁‍♀️I will ask: What can I help you with?

🎯Usually, my networking partner will tell me how I can help.

🫂Maybe it’s with an introduction.

❓Maybe it’s by answering a question they have.

🕸️No matter what, we are all connected with each other.

✨When we set out to help each other, we can accomplish amazing things.

🙏When you are networking, keep your focus on your networking partner and how you can help them.

❔What are your networking tips? Comment below.


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