My Ah-Ha Moment on Law School Grades

I spent my entire first semester in the library, scheming to get the best possible grades, not working out, not eating right, and ONLY focusing on school work. I drank a sugar free red bull every day (ew).

I knew from past experience that it's very difficult to dig yourself out of a GPA deficit. I thought that my law school GPA was CRITICAL to my future as a lawyer.

I did fine, but I didn't accomplish my goal of scoring at the top of the class.

And it didn't matter for me.

I still was able to get a job after law school.

I'm not saying that grades aren't important or that getting top grades doesn't open doors.

But for me, NOT ONE law firm that I interviewed with after law school asked to see a transcript.

And for those of you that have gotten lower marks in law school - these DO NOT DEFINE YOU. You are NOT your grades.

I know plenty of lawyers that have gotten C's, D's and F's - and learned to live the tale. They are thriving. Keep going.

And if it helps, my husband always loved to joke, "D is for Diploma."
This is an excerpt of my book, Build Your Empire: A Survival Guide to the Legal Industry. If this was helpful to you, get your copy now on Amazon.


Law Schools Don’t Want Me to Say This


Law Mom Horror Stories Part 1