Manage Assertiveness in the Workplace

I used to think that being laid back was a form of weakness.

That people who just let things go and didn’t fight for themselves were weak.

I was always on the ready to:
-Give my opinion
-Tell people how it is
-Tell people what was right and what was wrong.

This type of living creates discord.

It creates tension.

Believe it or not, people don’t like being told they are wrong. Or what to do. Or how to be.

Humans love chaos. We like to watch fights and discord. Hockey games. Wrestling. Boxing. We don’t line up to go watch people do yoga and hug each other. We like the battles, somehow.

But the temporary release of anger toward another person did not improve my relationships, especially in the workplace.

It hurt them.

So, I’ve changed my mind. People who are laid back and pick their battles are strong. They aren’t weak.

When you can create peace around you with others, you invite more peace into your life.

It makes things…easier

But this is just my experience. What do you think? How do you manage assertiveness in the workplace? Tell me in the comments.


Learning to Trust Yourself


Living Unapologetically