Do You Want to Change Your Practice Area?

Lawyers - Do You Want to Change Your Practice Area?

➡️Maybe your current practice area is boring, not a good match for you, or filled with toxic personalities.

While I've been practicing labor and employment law for 13 years, I have tried:

❌Family law (kid stuff made me sad)
❌Criminal law, both prosecution and defense (too much pressure)
❌Government contracts (too boring)
❌Construction law (too much machismo)

💡When I found labor and employment law, it lit me up inside.

😊The drama, hijinx, emotions, and personalities had me hooked.

🎯If you are a lawyer looking to transition your practice area, here's what helped me with my practice area transitions:

⚖️Calling myself an employment lawyer as soon as possible. There's power in "labeling" yourself as you transition.

🧘🏻‍♀️Releasing judgment. When we are transitioning to a new practice area, we tend to worry about what others will think, but I say this with love, no one cares or is paying attention more than you. Take off the judgment shackles!

🌊Enjoy the ride. Law practice CAN be fun. Try to enjoy the transition as much as possible, and fall back on your intellectual curiosity. Try to adopt a beginner's mindset, and take the pressure off.

🤝Network with other lawyers in your practice area. Developing a helpful network will help you feel supported and sure about yourself.

❓Other lawyers: what helped you transition to a new practice area?

📩FEMALE LAWYERS: To meet other kind, smart, and fun female lawyers, join my next Law Practice Queen virtual networking event on September 15th.


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Practicing Law Can Be Lonely