You Are Not a Statistic

A lot of the content on women in law is negative - focused on wage disparities, business ownership differences, and how the deck is supposedly stacked against us.

I'm not saying to be naive, I have seen all the stats...

But you are not a statistic.

You are a person.

A powerful person that has the potential to be massively successful.

You have the ability to get your own clients.

You have the ability to start your own firm (if you have the desire to).

Nothing is standing in your way.

Our biggest hurdle is our own mindset.

There are massive advantages to being a female lawyer.

I've had countless clients say that they selected me because I'm a female lawyer.

Know your power, embrace your authentic self, and tune out the noise.

#lawpracticequeen #womeninlaw #femalelawyers #lawfirmleadership #womenhelpingwomen


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