We Should Revise the Process to Become Lawyers
We should revise the process to become lawyers.
Once you pass the bar exam, you should be able to practice in all 50 states in the US.
It's ridiculous that when you move to a different state, you have to jump through all these additional hoops - including paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars in additional licensing fees and even taking more bar exams if you are a newer lawyer.
Many lawyers live in one state but practice in others.
Many lawyers work from home now.
For example, I'm meeting with a lawyer soon that has a law firm in Texas but lives in Hawaii. (It sounds nice! 🌈🌴🌊)
I really think this would increase access to justice, and make life easier for lawyers to take one bar exam and get licensed in all 50 states.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!