Terrible Advice When You Start a Business

You get some TERRIBLE advice when you start a business.

You must know what you are building, and keep a strong vision for it, otherwise all the conflicting advice will confuse the hell out of you.

Before I started my law firm, one of my lawyers actually told me that I should get my Mom to answer my law firmโ€™s phones.

To save money.

Uh, NO! ๐Ÿ˜จ (Love you Mom)

My business vision was a high class, excellence-focused experience for clients. Involving a family member would have completely clashed with my vision, and also caused some boundary issues. Not to mention they NEVER suggested that my Dad answer phones (did you catch the implicit gender bias? Cool.)


Know your business vision from the beginning and stick to it. Others wonโ€™t know your vision, and that's okay.

I ended up getting Class A virtual office space with phone service. A much better experience for clients. The office space costs less than $500 per month, is well worth the expense, and there are no boundaries issues with family members.

My two favorite books for creating a business vision are Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain and the Style Your Mind for Success workbook by Cara Alwill.

If you want to build a business, start with a solid vision.

Otherwise, you will easily get sidetracked, and lose your way.


Lawyers: Want to go from zero clients to client overflow? Contact me today to learn more about my 30 Day Guide to Client Overflow. Link in comments ๐Ÿ’—โš–๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‘


Boundaries as a Lawyer


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