How I Saved 120 Minutes Today with a Simple Notebook and Pen

How I Saved 120 Minutes Today With a Simple Notebook & Pen ⬇️⬇️⬇️

How did I do it?

It's my simple system for taking notes.

As a new law firm owner, I struggled with what system to use to take and organize my notes.

There are so many options now.

Should I take them electronically?

Tried it, lost the special didn't work for me.

I even bought a special tablet for taking notes electronically and never could get used to taking notes on a screen.

For most of my notes, I stick to handwritten.

I use a spiral notebook, the kind you get at TJ Maxx with the cheesy quotes on them.

When I switch to a new conversation, I put the date at the top, put the person's name that I'm speaking with, and jot my notes on the page.

I keep my old notebooks and put the date range on the front for the notebook in Sharpie marker, that way I can go back and review old notes quickly.

If it's a longer, detailed conversation, I type the overflow notes using the notes app on my computer, and save it with the name and date of the conversation. Everything gets backed up securely.

This way, if I need to go back and see what happened on a particular date, I can just pull the notebook and flip back.

Today I realized I forgot to log a doctor's appointment in my calendar.

I knew I wrote it down in my notebook, so I was able to flip back in a few minutes, locate the last appointment date, and log it into my calendar.

This would have taken me hours under my old system (post-its, random word documents, taking notes on a legal pad and putting them into a hard copy redwell file....not anymore!).

❓📔Lawyers and law firm owners: how do you keep track of your client notes?

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