Generating a Book of Business with Effective Client Communication

The more I practice law, the more I see that successful client outcomes have so much to do with effective client communications like:

šŸ‘‘ Telling clients what you are working on and when they can expect your work product.

šŸ‘‘ Getting clear client authorization for the scope of work you are performing, and a cost estimate for the approved scope.

šŸ‘‘ Not promising something on a certain day if you can't 110% deliver it then.

šŸ‘‘ Explaining legal concepts in plain English.

šŸ‘‘ Walking a client through the entire process of their matter from beginning to end so they know what to expect each step of the way.

šŸ‘‘ Being brutally honest with clients about what to expect, what consequences different actions in the case can have, and whether they have a case. But brutal honesty requires a gentle and caring delivery.

While the legal principles matter, the communications you have with clients will often determine whether they hire you to begin with, or whether they keep you as counsel, or replace you.

It's important to work on your communication skills with clients.

It will pay you dividends in spades and protect your book of business.

It will serve your precious clients.


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