Why You Shouldn't Talk or Write Like a Lawyer to Clients
Some of the best compliments you can receive from a client are:
“You don’t talk like a lawyer.”
“You talk like a normal person.”
“I can actually understand you.”
Chances are your client didn’t go to law school. They need advice boiled down from impossible to understand legalese to plain English. So why do lawyers insist on using big words and boilerplate provisions in contracts?
Do we have low self-esteem?
Do we want people to think we are smart?
Maybe we weren’t held enough as a child?
Maybe it's all the above (JK), but more importantly, let's focus on the impact this communication shift could create. Let's do better for our clients. I know they will appreciate it.
Before you send that next client email, edit out the legalese, and put yourself in the client’s shoes. This can turn a response to your communication from a huh? to a thanks in no time.
Want more practice tips? Check out my new book, Build Your Empire: A Law Firm Owner's Survival Guide to the Private Legal Industry.